Thursday, June 16, 2011


Connie here and I am updating the girls' blog from UPBC, where I am attending prayer camp today and tomorrow. This morning Don VanRyn shared some verses from Psalm 46: ......though the waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging (erupting volcanoes).....BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. Shortly after that I received an email from the girls and am reminded that this trip isn't all about their plans. It is all about what God wants to do with them in HIS plan. Even if it meant getting there a day or so later.
They finally arrived in Addis Ababa around 3 a.m.Thursday to find Abel, our friend from our last trip to adopt Tem and Tessa, waiting for them with his huge smile and I can only imagine how wonderful it was to see a familiar face! He had been waiting since midnight!! He brought them to the guesthouse where they showered and rested and received their itinerary for the next week and a half.
Tomorrow they will be traveling all day to meet Ayehu (biological mom of Tem and Tessa). Tem and Tessa decided they wanted to give their mom a Bible (which we had purchased last year in Ethiopia) in Amharic with their pictures in it and they each wrote her a little note. Also, the girls made a book with pictures of the kids during this past year which they will leave with Ayehu. Please pray for all of them tomorrow, as this will be a very emotional day for all. Also, pray for Mahi,, their translator from Bethany, and the driver. It is our hope that Ayehu will know how great God's love is for her and will have peace about her dear little ones being placed in our family.
After returning to Addis Ababa on Sunday, the girls plan to work in an orphanage Monday through Friday for half of the day and the rest of each day will be spent helping adoptive families on their outings. They have brought suitcases full of shoes as well as other items to donate and will need wisdom in knowing where the greatest needs are and how to distribute these gifts.
Pray for continued strength and good health for the girls and that they will continue to be open to HIS agenda, rather than their own.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Julie, Kate, and Abby!!

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